How to Avoid EDI-related Fines, Fees, and Chargebacks

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How to Avoid EDI-related Fines, Fees, and Chargebacks

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Did you know that companies who use EDI can typically spend up to 2% of their top line revenue to pay for chargebacks, penalties, and other fees? This is mostly due to flaws in transaction processes. Specifically, a lack of proactive monitoring of late shipments or payments.

Let’s say you have an outbound advance ship notice (ASN) that has yet to be sent. In most situations, you would be hit with a fee if your trading partner does not receive it within 24 hours. In the end, you might as well be throwing money down the toilet.

However, with Syncrofy, it’s easy to set up an SLA exception to help you be proactive when it comes to these types of situations. You can configure the system to alert the appropriate user when an ASN has not been sent to a specific trading partner within 24 hours.


Conversely, let’s say the ASN is sent but comes back “rejected.” This is just as costly as not sending one because you will still get hit with a chargeback. For this instance, you can create a value exception in Syncrofy to alert you when there is a rejection (or an ‘R’ in the acknowledgment code).

In some cases you will even receive a “reason code” to notify you why the document was rejected (e.g. mismatch in number of line items). This will make it easier to drill down to identify the source of the rejection and fix the issue.


Additionally, Syncrofy’s Dashboards allow you to create dynamic visuals to help you monitor trends for specific trading partners. For example, you can create a line graph displaying your top five partners with the most exceptions. This allows you to highlight areas of concern relating to specific partners.

You may observe that a high percentage of your exceptions are coming for a single partner. That would allow you to dive deeper into that partner to remedy the problem (e.g. an account setup issue or other process that can be streamlined).


Ultimately, Syncrofy allows you to interact more closely with your EDI data, allowing you to make faster decisions and avoid costly errors related to your B2B transactions. It also helps you reduce the time-related expenditures of IT by enabling you to directly interact with your EDI data. That’s the power of Syncrofy.
To find out more about the power of Syncrofy and how it can help you achieve full visibility into your EDI operation, click here

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